(L-R) Miss Five Boroughs 2011- Kate Perkins, Miss Kings County 2011- Carmen Mendoza,  Miss NY's Teen 2010- Alison Stroming and myself.

On May 15th, 2011 I took part in the Aids walk with fellow Miss New York contestants, my brother and my friends. Each and every year New Yorker's walk to honor those who continue to fight, embrace new allies, remember loved ones lost, and work to realize a future without AIDS.  This year alone 45,000 walkers raised $6.2 million for the 26th annual AIDS Walk. Last year was my first time taking part in the Aids walk with my fellow classmates. Ever since then I have made it a priority to try my best and take part in this walk each and every year that I can. Looks like I have been living up to this goal already :)

                                                                        Alison and I. xoxo

After the walk we forgot about the LONG train ride home back to Brooklyn, lol. Indeed, my friend Michael got us good! The picture says it all, haha.


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