On October 30, 2010 the wonderful Brooklyn Executive Director Amaris Acosta was the host, Miss Brooklyn 2011 Christina Moore was a judge and I made an appearance at the Darling Diva's Halloween pageant in New Jersey. There were girls as young as 3 who competed. They were all great! :-)

Little Miss cutie pie Peyton and I. She really rocked the stage, she is too adorable. I asked her mom if I can take her home with me and she said I can if I take the recorder too! Lol!

Me, The Grand supreme winner Zoe and Christina. Zoe was awesome! She was really creative and outgoing.

As Christina captioned this picture as  : "hehe de-crowned and over tired" she is so right! :-)

I had a great time with my pageant sister Christina. She is an amazing young woman. Very friendly, loving and cool. I am excited for our upcoming adventures and memories that we will share together. Follow her blog at www.MissBrooklyn2011.blogspot.com


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