On Thursday, November 11th, I thought I was simply making an appearance at this pageant. Once I got there, Ms. Cheryl Williams (Director of Darling Divas) informed  me that I would actually be emceeing the entire show with the NES National Grand Supreme winner - Keyana Williams. I had never emceed an event before so I was both nervous and excited!

Every year, Darling Divas hosts this pageant as a community service event. They do not charge the women of the Hazel Brooks Senior Center to compete. They provide crowns, sashes, trophies and gifts. I find that very generous of Ms. Cheryl :-)

It turns out that I performed quite well in my new role and the event was a huge success! I didn't bring a camera so I wasn't too happy about that :( Hopefully, I will run into those amazing women again in the future and snap some more pictures :)

Ms.Gorgeous Diva 2009-2010 and I. 
Fortunately, I was able to snap a quick pic on my phone :-)

On October 30, 2010 the wonderful Brooklyn Executive Director Amaris Acosta was the host, Miss Brooklyn 2011 Christina Moore was a judge and I made an appearance at the Darling Diva's Halloween pageant in New Jersey. There were girls as young as 3 who competed. They were all great! :-)

Little Miss cutie pie Peyton and I. She really rocked the stage, she is too adorable. I asked her mom if I can take her home with me and she said I can if I take the recorder too! Lol!

Me, The Grand supreme winner Zoe and Christina. Zoe was awesome! She was really creative and outgoing.

As Christina captioned this picture as  : "hehe de-crowned and over tired" she is so right! :-)

I had a great time with my pageant sister Christina. She is an amazing young woman. Very friendly, loving and cool. I am excited for our upcoming adventures and memories that we will share together. Follow her blog at www.MissBrooklyn2011.blogspot.com

On October 23rd, 2010 my fellow classmates and I went to P.S. 239 to help out. We all had alot of fun painting, drawing, and cleaning up. We posted phrases, comments and postive words on the walls of the school.

My best friend Tenelle Daniels and I :-) I really enjoyed having her by my side giving back to the community.


Snapping a picture right before we went on our way to eat lunch !

Knowing that the elementary students will return to school the following Monday with a newly painted gym made me feel proud. With positive words painted all over the gym they should always keep in mind to think positive.

"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

-- Benjamin Franklin