On Thursday, November 11th, I thought I was simply making an appearance at this pageant. Once I got there, Ms. Cheryl Williams (Director of Darling Divas) informed  me that I would actually be emceeing the entire show with the NES National Grand Supreme winner - Keyana Williams. I had never emceed an event before so I was both nervous and excited!

Every year, Darling Divas hosts this pageant as a community service event. They do not charge the women of the Hazel Brooks Senior Center to compete. They provide crowns, sashes, trophies and gifts. I find that very generous of Ms. Cheryl :-)

It turns out that I performed quite well in my new role and the event was a huge success! I didn't bring a camera so I wasn't too happy about that :( Hopefully, I will run into those amazing women again in the future and snap some more pictures :)

Ms.Gorgeous Diva 2009-2010 and I. 
Fortunately, I was able to snap a quick pic on my phone :-)